What music do you listen to get your motor running (Steppenwolf) to keep you motivated on the long and winding road? (Beatles) 

Song list:

  1. Ice Cream by Black Pink with Selena Gomez

Hey there, music lovers! Are you ready to get your groove on at the Hilly? Well, guess what - the Hilly is looking for some fresh beats to add to their playlist for a rest stop during the event! And they've made it super easy for you to contribute - just shoot an email to music@hillyhundred.org with your song picks! Want to add a little personality to your submission? Share a story about your song choice and we might even feature it on our website! So, what are you waiting for? Let's get this party started and show the Hilly what awesome tunes we've got up your sleeves!

From an email:

Black Pink - Ice Cream with Selena Gomez.

Why... " Because ice cream goes with any bike ride warm or cold, wet, or dry. "
